For those who play MMORPG’s, you know that a very rare drop is something that you could spend months trying to get. That is how I feel these days when trying to log on here and get back in touch with friends.

Since what Americans call “Thanksgiving” until this week for what a lot of people call ‘Christmas”, things have been so slammed that I barely have time to breathe. They may not be holidays that I personally hold dear, but family is family, so I have been putting a lot of my time into assuring that the friends and family that I do have locally had a festive season.

Now that things are winding down, I plan to start getting on here every weekend to check messages – and also to start work again on my philosophy writings here in this journal.

I hope that those of you who celebrated these holidays had a festive time. And I hope that those of you who do not celebrate didn;t get harassed too much by those who do **chuckles**

Do not be afraid to stay in touch, my friends. I promise I am returning. Though replies may be a few days in delay – I WILL be replying starting tonight when i get back home from running errands.