So a few months ago I found myself searching for some things online related to Renaissance Faires I am interested in attending. I like to research various things such as entertainers, events, etc. I noticed I had to troll Google a LOT to get the information I was looking for. Fuck that.

Therefore I started work on a directory to list EVERYTHING having to do with the United States Renaissance Festival scene. And I mean EVERYTHING . . . artisans, online stores, blacksmiths, guilds, groups, SCA/LARP gatherings, catering, education, photographers, authors & publishers, performers, drumming circles, and of course RENAISSANCE FAIRES of all types.

I am hoping that some of you will check out my new site I just launched.

I also have a twitter for the project, so if you are a Twitter addict, please add RenDirectory and spread the word!

EDIT!!!! I almost forgot . . . here is a pic I took last night of the little eclipse we had, which everyone keeps referring to as a “Blood Moon”.  I love the fact that this occurred right after I wrote my article about the moon (see below), since i did not realize this event was coming until it hit the news that day.

Blood Moon